Sunday, August 28, 2016

Gleaning - 5 Foods To Eat Away Depression

Gleaning - 5 Foods To Eat Away Depression

Well, started this new blog this morning, came across this interesting article and thought I would like to not forget these tips.  I use to have a series of blogs on a variety of topics and got to start going again of this work.

Here is the article link I discovered and gleaned from this morning,

The Gleaning Take Away

Eat Whole Grains , I think the best way here, take a stroll along a farmers field and do some gleaning, they will be whole for sure and you can appreciate them better, we did that last weekend up north at dad's and it was a good learning experience for my lady and good refresher for me.

Eat Nuts

Cashews, Walnuts, Almonds, they contain Magnesium which promotes calmness

Eat Blueberries

Eat Dairy,

"Dr. Fran Walfish, a Beverly Hills psychotherapist, recommends patients drink milk, and eat cheese, yogurt, or ice-cream as an antidote to anxiety.

“Yes, there is truth to the ‘old saying' about drinking hot milk before bed! The ingredient tryptophan has a natural calming agent that actually relaxes you without medication. Tryptophan can be found in milk, all dairy products, and turkey,” she told Medical Daily."

Dark Chocolate

"Dark chocolate acts as a natural antidepressant, making us feel better because it contains tyrosine, which is linked to an increase of dopamine. Dopamine directly impacts our emotional well-being as it stimulates the pleasure centers in our brain."

So ..... Eat smart and be aware of the little things , glean what you can

Be The Adventure !

Timothy Ross
Weekend Warrior